Selasa, 26 Juli 2011
Cek Mobile Browser
ini contoh script gwe lupa darimana untuk ngecek browser versi mobile....
Query Iseng
Gara2 salah design database gwe harus buat query cukup panjang... :(
select employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, year, joindate,
sum(jan) jan, sum(feb) feb, sum(mar) mar, sum(apr) apr, sum(may) may, sum(jun) jun,
sum(jul) jul, sum(aug) aug, sum(sep) sep, sum(oct) oct, sum(nov) nov, sum(dec) dec,
sum(jan)+sum(feb)+sum(mar)+sum(apr)+sum(may)+sum(jun)+sum(jul)+sum(aug)+sum(sep)+sum(oct)+sum(nov)+sum(dec) total, region, areaname
from (
select employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, year, joindate,
case when month=1 then sum(jan) else 0 end jan,
case when month=2 then sum(feb) else 0 end feb,
case when month=3 then sum(mar) else 0 end mar,
case when month=4 then sum(apr) else 0 end apr,
case when month=5 then sum(may) else 0 end may,
case when month=6 then sum(jun) else 0 end jun,
case when month=7 then sum(jul) else 0 end jul,
case when month=8 then sum(aug) else 0 end aug,
case when month=9 then sum(sep) else 0 end sep,
case when month=10 then sum(oct) else 0 end oct,
case when month=11 then sum(nov) else 0 end nov,
case when month=12 then sum(dec) else 0 end dec,
(select distinct regionname from vstructorg x where x.tahun=yy.year and x.bulan=bulan and employeeid=psrid and x.asmid=yy.asmid) region,
(select distinct areaname from vstructorg x where x.tahun=yy.year and x.bulan=bulan and employeeid=psrid and x.asmid=yy.asmid) areaname
from jupiter_clubmember_summary yy
group by employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, month, year, joindate
) a
group by employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, year, joindate, region, areaname
select employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, year, joindate,
sum(jan) jan, sum(feb) feb, sum(mar) mar, sum(apr) apr, sum(may) may, sum(jun) jun,
sum(jul) jul, sum(aug) aug, sum(sep) sep, sum(oct) oct, sum(nov) nov, sum(dec) dec,
sum(jan)+sum(feb)+sum(mar)+sum(apr)+sum(may)+sum(jun)+sum(jul)+sum(aug)+sum(sep)+sum(oct)+sum(nov)+sum(dec) total, region, areaname
from (
select employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, year, joindate,
case when month=1 then sum(jan) else 0 end jan,
case when month=2 then sum(feb) else 0 end feb,
case when month=3 then sum(mar) else 0 end mar,
case when month=4 then sum(apr) else 0 end apr,
case when month=5 then sum(may) else 0 end may,
case when month=6 then sum(jun) else 0 end jun,
case when month=7 then sum(jul) else 0 end jul,
case when month=8 then sum(aug) else 0 end aug,
case when month=9 then sum(sep) else 0 end sep,
case when month=10 then sum(oct) else 0 end oct,
case when month=11 then sum(nov) else 0 end nov,
case when month=12 then sum(dec) else 0 end dec,
(select distinct regionname from vstructorg x where x.tahun=yy.year and x.bulan=bulan and employeeid=psrid and x.asmid=yy.asmid) region,
(select distinct areaname from vstructorg x where x.tahun=yy.year and x.bulan=bulan and employeeid=psrid and x.asmid=yy.asmid) areaname
from jupiter_clubmember_summary yy
group by employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, month, year, joindate
) a
group by employeeid, employeename, asmid, asmname, smid, smname, teamid, teamname, year, joindate, region, areaname
Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011
Query Iseng
select * from (
select a.kodebarang, namabarang, max(tanggal) tanggal
from harga a
inner join barang b on (a.kodebarang=b.kodebarang)
group by a.kodebarang, namabarang
) x
inner join harga y on (x.kodebarang=y.kodebarang and x.tanggal=y.tanggal)
order by x.kodebarang
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- Kami adalah web developer. Beberapa produk yang pernah kami buat antara lain website, aplikasi klinik, aplikasi apotik, aplikasi EDMS (Electronic Database Management System), Energy Consumption Management System, RKBI (Rencana Kunjungan Barang Import) dan lain-lain sesuai dengan request dari client kami. Jika Anda tertarik untuk membuat system atau aplikasi, jangan sungkan-sungkan menghubungi kami.
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