Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012
Parsing data
update profil_dokter
set isi_profil=replace(isi_profil,
where isi_profil !='' and isi_profil like '%src="%'
set isi_profil=replace(isi_profil,
where isi_profil !='' and isi_profil like '%src="%'
create table x as
select id_dokter, substring(gambar,1,instr(gambar,'"')-1) pathgambar
from (
select id_dokter, path, substring(path,instr(path, "src")+6) gambar
from (
select id_dokter, isi_profil, gambar,
from profil_dokter where isi_profil !='' and isi_profil like '%src="%'
select id_dokter, substring(gambar,1,instr(gambar,'"')-1) pathgambar
from (
select id_dokter, path, substring(path,instr(path, "src")+6) gambar
from (
select id_dokter, isi_profil, gambar,
from profil_dokter where isi_profil !='' and isi_profil like '%src="%'
inner join (
SELECT id_dokter, reverse(substring(REVERSE(pathgambar), 1, instr(REVERSE(pathgambar),'/')-1)) gambar_dokter
from x
)y on (a.id_dokter=y.id_dokter)
set gambar=gambar_dokter
Bermain-main dengan path
select id_dokter, gambar, substring(gambar,1,instr(gambar,'"')-1) pathgambar
from (
select id_dokter, path, substring(path,instr(path, "src")+6) gambar
from (
select id_dokter, isi_profil, gambar,
from profil_dokter where isi_profil !='' and isi_profil like '%src="%'
from (
select id_dokter, path, substring(path,instr(path, "src")+6) gambar
from (
select id_dokter, isi_profil, gambar,
from profil_dokter where isi_profil !='' and isi_profil like '%src="%'
Senin, 06 Februari 2012
Subquery lagi
update k set incentive=(case when percentage_am=1 then k.incentive else k.incentive/2 end)
from trmasterincentive_summary k
inner join (
select x.idstructure, incentive,
case when (cast(y.jumlahAM_ach as float)) / (cast (y.JumlahAM as float)) > 0.6
then 1
else 0
end percentage_am
from trmasterincentive_summary x
inner join (
select a.idstructure,
(select COUNT(distinct idstructure_am) from structorg where year=2011 and month=11 and idcat=10 and idstructure_sm=a.idstructure)JumlahAM,
select COUNT(distinct idstructure_am)
from trmasterincentive_summary p
inner join structorg q on (p.idstructure=q.idstructure_am and q.idstructure_sm=a.idstructure)
where idjob in(3,29) and percentage>=90
from trmasterincentive_summary a
where idlogstructure=176 and idjob in(1,24) and percentage>=90
) y on (x.idstructure=y.idstructure)
) l on (k.idstructure=l.idstructure)
from trmasterincentive_summary k
inner join (
select x.idstructure, incentive,
case when (cast(y.jumlahAM_ach as float)) / (cast (y.JumlahAM as float)) > 0.6
then 1
else 0
end percentage_am
from trmasterincentive_summary x
inner join (
select a.idstructure,
(select COUNT(distinct idstructure_am) from structorg where year=2011 and month=11 and idcat=10 and idstructure_sm=a.idstructure)JumlahAM,
select COUNT(distinct idstructure_am)
from trmasterincentive_summary p
inner join structorg q on (p.idstructure=q.idstructure_am and q.idstructure_sm=a.idstructure)
where idjob in(3,29) and percentage>=90
from trmasterincentive_summary a
where idlogstructure=176 and idjob in(1,24) and percentage>=90
) y on (x.idstructure=y.idstructure)
) l on (k.idstructure=l.idstructure)
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